Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What a degree gets you.

A career, respect, friends. Maybe even a wife! There are countless things a degree can get you. But one thing that grows with the number of degrees you have (at least for some) is an attitude. Now, I've had many professors with who knows how many diplomas and they've been respectable, intelligent people who I truly enjoy learning from. But... there are some that stretch my sanity with every ounce of their being. I don't blame their degrees, they're "oh so many" degrees. They're "I'm so much smarter than you peons" degrees. I blame them as professionals. Since when did college become an institution that makes you look smarter but makes you feel more stupid with each passing semester? To those professors out there who not only fail to teach appropriately but fail to give respect to those who are paying for the education they can provide, I give you a "D".

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