Sunday, September 21, 2008

Seventeen: not just a magazine but a culture!

They have spunk, and they dress totally rad. They're seventeen and they're just about to go to college.
Seventeen year olds are at the top of their game. They're seniors in High School: their the big guys, the older kids, the upper-class. And all too soon they will be thrown to the sharks in the life-changing experience known as "getting a degree". So, they must live it up while they still can!
I think that's what makes them so... annoying? They create a culture of sorts: self-conscious, but they hide it by saying "dude, look how totally RIPPED I am!"
When they finally get here, they are the Napoleon Bonaparte's of the university world. Small and vicious. Like ferrets with rabies. Losing their mind because unlike the last semester of high school, this takes work.
They do the work though. And find time to party. Which then creates a co-culture: next generation seventeens. Seventeen year olds don't grow up, they get older. So now, they are buying stocks, can drink till they puke, and they still dress totally rad! The seventeen year olds of today are not taking life like a challenge, but a party. My rating of this culture: B. Not too shabby on trying to make everything fun, but, seriously, don't help me do my taxes.

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